Due to the MCO, we are changing our operating hours temporarily to 8.00 A.M - 10.00 P.M.
Training slot booking is compulsory as we are only allowed to accommodate ten (10) people in the premise at one time. All training slots are 1.5 hours long, beginning at 8.00 A.M. every day.
You can begin booking the training slot seven (7) days in advance, and you can do so via the link on our profile. Only MEMBERS WITH VALID MEMBERSHIP are allowed to make a booking.
Drop-ins/walk-ins are still available, but only via a direct visit to the gym, and subject to training slot availability at that time. If you wish to walk in, please call us at 06 601 4470 to inquire about slot availability before visiting the gym.
Please bring a towel or buy a one-time-use towel from the reception at only RM1.00. It is compulsory to wipe equipment before and after usage with the personal disinfectant spray that we provide.
Please wear a mask when you enter, exiting the gym, and whenever you have to communicate with others. Minimize communication with others and always keep a proper physical distance.
Thank you for your understanding, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.